Exposure X7 Bundle kettle of fish

Exposure X7 Bundle

Name: Exposure_X7_Bundle_7.0.2.68_f__TNT_Torrentmac.net.dmg
Size: 644.31 MB
Files Exposure_X7_Bundle_7.0.2.68_f__TNT_Torrentmac.net.dmg [644.31 MB]


Exposure X7 Practice bundling macOS

The Vulnerability X Bundle is a photograph editor and organizer that integrates all of Alien Skin's victory photo editing apps into a single product.. The centrepiece of the bundle is Exposure X, the editing app that streamlines your workflow and provides a rich set of creative tools. Two additional apps expand the creative possibilities: Blow Up 3 enlarges your photos into large prints with the sharpest resizing applied science available, and Snap Art 4 transforms your photos into gorgeous, handcrafted paintings.

  • Exposure X7 not-destructive RAW photo editor
  • Coordinated Snap Art natural media
  • Integrated Magnify graduate-lineament exposure enlargement
  • Vulnerability X7, Lose it Artistic creation, and Blow Up plug-ins for Lightroom and Photoshop

Photograph X is a complete photo redaction and organizing solution. It give the sack also be used every bit a creative redaction plug-in. The plug-in requirements are as follows:

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 operating theater Adobe Photoshop Two hundred 2015 or newer
  • Adobe Lightroom 6 or Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 or newer

Fix: Launch for M1

Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later
Homepage https://exposure.package
